“While this isn’t necessarily the game we want to play…”
Those words were in the first paragraph of a letter sent by Glacial Lakes Energy, LLC, a Watertown ethanol producer, to its shareholders. The “game” is CO2 sequestration. Since Glacial Lakes used the word, and not me, are you more apt to believe it?
Last June I wrote a letter to the editor about the deceitful political narrative branding carbon dioxide as imminently harmful to our planet. Add the federal government’s money-bribe outlined in that letter and you’ve enticed ethanol producers to not just go along with the game, but advocate vociferously in favor of joining in on milking the government. Government: You!
This particular Glacial Lakes letter was essentially campaign material. It was dated May 30, 2024, days before the June primary, to denigrate one District 4 state legislative candidate and encourage voting for one they felt would be a team-player in the game. Similar gamesmanship was played in other districts by various parties.
Since Glacial Lakes says it isn’t really into this game, do you wonder why don’t they put on their big-boy pants and push back against the insanity? Likewise, other ethanol producers. Why don’t they join together and remind us what we learned in grade school and should be of high interest to them? Carbon dioxide is plant food! The primary source of carbon for life on Earth.
Glacial Lakes specifically praised Senate Bill 201 which was passed in Pierre this past legislative session. The primary purpose of SB201 was to stack the deck in hopes that South Dakota and pipeline company Summit Carbon Solutions will be able to get in on the game.
A referendum petition is being circulated which will give South Dakota voters an opportunity to stop implementation of SB201 and put a dent in the game. I hope you’ll sign the petition so it gets on the ballot in November. Call or text me at 605.595.3505 if you wish to sign.
My website, StevenMettler4SD.com, has more information related to this sad game. Click on the “Current Issues” tab. Thanks.
Steve Mettler
Why are ethanol processing plants among the supporters of the proposed CO2 pipeline? A letter I received from Dakota Ethanol answered that.
Among the reasons, the letter explained that the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act included the typical hammer to force the government’s wisdom on we the people: money. The letter states: “The federal incentives to produce low carbon ethanol beginning in 2025 are substantial. Carbon capture and sequestration is worth up to 60 cents per gallon of ethanol.” That’s serious money in ethanol production.
Carbon dioxide is currently the preferred lever used by climate alarmists to strike fear of doom if we don’t minimize what to them is an evil greenhouse gas. Do they know that Wikipedia says atmospheric CO2 is the primary carbon source for life on Earth?
In my opinion, the ethanol producers are misguided in their support for carbon sequestration.
1) The issue of global warming is not settled as a fact or for that matter, a negative. Numerous scientists have refuted the supposed “evidence” of global warming. Dr. Patrick Moore (co-founder of Greenpeace, would you believe?) said a primary reason many researchers are on the warming bandwagon is money. He says government grants are often awarded based on whether the preferred political narrative is going to be bolstered by the individual or organization seeking funding. So, the “science” is tainted. Should that surprise us?
2) There is no hard evidence that CO2 plays a major role in any supposed global warming. When Senator John Kennedy asked Deputy Secretary of Energy David Turk how much world temperatures would be reduced by spending $50 trillion to become carbon neutral by 2050, he didn’t get an answer, because they don’t have one.
3) The EPA recently released a draft rule on fleet-wide tailpipe emissions standards. Guess what? Much-touted electric vehicles don’t have tailpipe emissions and upstream EV production processes that involve CO2 release are conveniently ignored. Therefore, another government slight-of-hand against internal combustion engines. Ethanol producers beware.
Rather than pushing for a pipeline that pumps plant food underground, is potentially very hazardous and tramples on property rights through the abuse of eminent domain, the ethanol producers should be putting out the facts and encouraging we the people to reign in a misguided government that uses our money (actually, our increased debt) to pursue a purely political agenda.
One website for more info: www.cfact.org.
Steven Mettler