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Steven Mettler’s Pledge to We the People:

A retired multi-generational farmer native to southeast South Dakota, I’ve endeavored to live a God-honoring life and bring value to my community through various elected and volunteer positions. I’ll combine my compassion for people, life experiences, and fiscal conservatism to serve the people of District 19.

I recognize my accountability to God and will follow a Biblical worldview when considering issues. I commit to listen to and serve the people of District 19 with integrity.

I look forward to being your State Representative. Thank you for your support and vote.

In order to exercise your right to vote, you must be properly registered 15 days before any election.
The South Dakota Secretary of State website has an excellent page to check many personal election-related specifics, including:
1) if you are registered to vote
2) what party you are registered with
3) what legislative district you are in
4) where you go to vote
5) a sample View of your ballot in the upcoming election
Please be diligent in checking this information to ensure you will be eligible to vote.
Click this link:

Paid for by Patriots for Steven Mettler